East Coast Barista
Sunday, May 08, 2005
Yo ...can you say procrasti..mat ..naton...nope
I know, I know....you start a blog then all of a sudden the idea gets old...but I have a plan...a weekly update!
Yup....every week.
I have been in the process of moving to a new apartment as well as alot of training etc.
Not alot of time for latte art practice but I have been able to reseach some signature drink ideas for 2006 and brainstorm some killer ideas for the BGA in the NE.
Also...I will release a new form of espresso extraction that we have been playing around with here.
I will write it up here as well as on coffee geek and the BGA forum. Progressive indeed. Get ready...
Yup....every week.
I have been in the process of moving to a new apartment as well as alot of training etc.
Not alot of time for latte art practice but I have been able to reseach some signature drink ideas for 2006 and brainstorm some killer ideas for the BGA in the NE.
Also...I will release a new form of espresso extraction that we have been playing around with here.
I will write it up here as well as on coffee geek and the BGA forum. Progressive indeed. Get ready...